Assisting Women Professionals In the Workplace

Through a lighthearted and practical delivery, we take mindfulness and emotional intelligence to the next level. 

Our online group is for women who are seeking an intimate connection with other women professionals while Kathy and Adele facilitate and educate you about Invisible Challenges in the workplace.

Through a lighthearted and practical delivery, we take mindfulness and emotional intelligence to the next level. We assist women professionals who are making a difference in the workplace!

Our online (monthly) group is for women who are seeking an intimate connection with other women professionals while Kathy and Adele facilitate and educate you about Invisible Challenges in the workplace.

Meet Kathy O'Connell

Kathy is our leader in the very specialized video online bi-monthly sessions. With a diversified background, Kathy has almost 20 years of direct hands-on human resource experience working in both corporate and subsidiary environments.  She combines her business acumen with almost 10 years of experience as a licensed marriage and family therapist.

We educate and develop all things HUMAN.  

Our mission is to support women professionals in the workplace in creating awareness and the ability to see patterns of communication and interactions. 

We teach how to observe the patterns and learn what you make them mean about yourself, and then how you allow them to define you in the workplace!

Meet Adele Saccarelli-Cavallaro

Adele brings internal focus, transitioning and communication to the workplace. She is a certified ADHD coach & the founder of a 501c3 non-profit organization, which assists individuals with Invisible Challenges™ in becoming self-directed, free-thinking & creative. She has worked in the professional recruiting & coaching industry for many years, specializing in sales, coaching, entrepreneurship & internal growth.

We go beyond surviving to thriving and recapturing the joy that you once felt when you began your career or when you were at your peak!

We assist you in rekindling your spark and help you to shift internally those aspects of your life that complicate your day to day experiences in the workplace.

Come join us for our bi-monthly online sessions!

What more do you need than an HR/therapist Coach (Kathy) and a Career/IC Coach (Adele) when faced with a challenge at work!

SIGN UP Below:

 A Few Topics We Cover:
  • How humans really work: Concepts behind the beliefs and behaviors.
  • What’s really behind people’s words and actions.
  • With self awareness, you have a choice of how you perceive things – Learning about the lense through which you experience all interactions.
  • New perspectives on communication, commitment, connection, mindfulness, caring and being seen.
  • Create an environment where everyone has the opportunity to be seen and have a voice.

We educate on concepts that drive all human behaviors, the Invisible Challenges™ that all humans possess. We present the most effective ways to uncover, define and redefine limiting behaviors. We enable individuals to look at the workplace and all their experiences within it, through a totally different lense. Each and every human perceives interactions differently based upon their internal belief systems..

Sign Up Below


Women in the Workplace Online Group

First Monday of the month
@12-12:30pm EST.

Only $45

Second Friday of the month
@9-9:30am EST.

Only $45

Bi-Monthly Membership:
Attend both Monday and Friday sessions

Only $90

Monthly video-call topics include..

"Learning about yourself"

"See and Experience people differently in a - conscious and self aware - way"

"Knowing your triggers - things that light you up and why"

"Discussion around, What you make things mean about you"

We develop inner awareness and skills to allow you to focus and actively participate in the present moment. We make the unconscious, conscious and the invisible, visual! In order for women professionals to do what is being asked, the ability to see the invisible, understand its impact and manage it in every facet of their personal and business, is the key to creating a thriving, happy, self-driven, accountable life experience.

We teach you how to create a culture where all are equal as humans and different job descriptions define the responsibilities and pay. So step into the new paradigm and be one of the first in your field/workplace to address Invisible Challenges!

Meet the facilitators!

Kathy is our leader in these very specialized online video-calls. With a diversified background, Kathy has almost 20 years of direct hands-on human resource experience working in both corporate and subsidiary environments.  She combines her business acumen with almost 10 years of experience as a licensed marriage and family therapist.
She is an expert of the human experience in the business world. Kathy is a very systemic thinker who has an uncanny ability to see the core issues individuals, leaders and teams are experiencing. Kathy has worked directly with C-suite executives, senior leaders, directors, managers and employees. Kathy’s ability to be candid and non-judgmental allows for the people she works with to be open and transparent very quickly, thus expediting the learning and change process.

Meet Kathy O'Connell
Coach and HR Manager:

Meet Adele Saccarelli-Cavallaro, Career IC Coach and Recruiter .

Adele is a certified ADHD coach, a speaker and a published author. She has worked in the professional recruiting and coaching industry for many years, specializing in sales, coaching, entrepreneurship, and internal growth. Adele brings internal focus, transitioning and communication to the workplace. She inspires women/men to identify what’s really stopping success. She supports and creates top-notch A 1:1 coaching session includes but is not limited to, mastering what drives emotions, time management and/or bringing an entrepreneurial creation to the next level. She has a proven track record for taking individuals to the next level in their personal, relationships & internal career growth.

These Clients and Colleagues Can't Be Wrong

“Michael Cavallaro and his team came into our organization to work with several teams and individuals. He was able to very quickly get the teams to open up and share what was really going on. This was especially difficult as some teams were dealing with great challenges that existed, unacknowledged, for years. Michael provided an outlet, not only for our staff to talk openly, but also to begin the process toward resolution. He also worked with individuals, managers, and small groups for within the teams, as necessary, to assist them in moving through matters that were holding them back. Michael’s ability to listen wholly to the team, Individually and collectively, allows him to get at the heart of the issues troubling them, and then his wisdom and his humor assists the team to begin to work through conflict and build trust.” 

– Human Resource Specialist – LSAC

“I worked with Kathy as my assigned HR professional in a corporate environment. Although she reported through another department, I absolutely considered Kathy a key member of my organization’s leadership team. Kathy has an uncanny ability to read people and situations in real time. She takes a commonsense approach to problem solving and communicates in a way that reaches people in a positive way. Kathy was a valuable resource to me in many ways. Whether it was assessing and developing solutions to challenges, finding creative ways to lift up high performers or assessing the cultural impact of strategic decisions, Kathy was usually spot on in her evaluations. Further, she was always honest in critiquing my own performance around these issues. Honesty spoken to leadership was much appreciated.”

-Robert Whitlock, FCAS, Retired President and CEO, The Philadelphia Contributionship

“Adele spoke at our monthly Women’s Empowerment Group about her recently published book, SEARCHING FOR OZ, and her personal journey leading to writing the book. She was an excellent speaker who in a very authentic, articulate way shared her challenges, victories, and lessons learned while on her unique life path. Adele adeptly answered questions from group members and demonstrated herself to be a role model for women moving from a traumatic life into one where she now thrives,”

-Deborah Pietruszka, OTR/L, HTCP, C.Ht, CCA Owner of Serendipity Meadows

Meet Michael Cavallaro
In-person Trainer for professional Teams,
Employee Mgmt Coach

Michael Cavallaro is the author of the book, “Invisible Challenges: The Hidden Determinant of Businesses and Relationships”. He is an artist, mentor, coach and international speaker who has dedicated his life to finding simple, practical tools for making permanent change. He has 40+ years of  experience coaching, and has helped thousands of clients to look deeper within themselves and find answers that work for them. He is the author of several other books that guide people in all areas of life, from parenting to relationships. His first published book, The 55 Concepts, A Guide To Conscious Living, forms the foundation for all that followed. Its concepts, while simple, have layers of meaning that take a lifetime to digest. 

“You as the leader are the foundation that your team is built on! Your attitude, conscious and unconscious thoughts create the team attitude. Everything is energy, the laws of action and reaction. You are the Rock, you are the creator of the energy"

– “Invisible Challenges: The Hidden Determinant of Business and Relationships” Michael Cavallaro

Women's Annual Business Retreat TBA